Source code for soundata.annotations

"""soundata annotation data types

import numpy as np

#: Time units
TIME_UNITS = {"seconds": "seconds", "milliseconds": "milliseconds"}

#: Label units
LABEL_UNITS = {"open": "no strict schema or units"}

#: Azimuth units
    "radians": "values in the interval [-2*pi, 2*pi]",
    "degrees": "values in the interval [-360, 360]",

#: Distance units
    "meters": "meters",
    "centimeters": "centimeters",
    "millimeters": "millimeters",

[docs]class Annotation(object): """Annotation base class""" def __repr__(self): attributes = [v for v in dir(self) if not v.startswith("_")] repr_str = f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(attributes)})" return repr_str
[docs]class Tags(Annotation): """Tags class Attributes: labels (list): list of string tags confidence (np.ndarray or None): array of confidence values, float in [0, 1] labels_unit (str): labels unit, one of LABELS_UNITS """ def __init__(self, labels, labels_unit, confidence=None) -> None: validate_array_like(labels, list, str) validate_array_like(confidence, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_confidence(confidence) validate_lengths_equal([labels, confidence]) validate_unit(labels_unit, LABEL_UNITS) self.labels = labels self.confidence = confidence self.labels_unit = labels_unit
[docs]class Events(Annotation): """Events class Attributes: intervals (np.ndarray): (n x 2) array of intervals (as floats) in seconds in the form [start_time, end_time] with positive time stamps and end_time >= start_time. labels (list): list of event labels (as strings) confidence (np.ndarray or None): array of confidence values, float in [0, 1] labels_unit (str): labels unit, one of LABELS_UNITS intervals_unit (str): intervals unit, one of TIME_UNITS azimuth (np.ndarray or None): list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype float, indicating the azimuth of the sound event. Values between -360 and 360 for degrees and between -2*pi, 2*pi for radians or None. azimuth_unit (str): azimuth unit, one of AZIMUTH_UNITS elevation (np.ndarray or None): list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype float, indicating the elevation of the sound event. Values between -90 and 90 or None. elevation_unit (str): elevation unit, one of AZIMUTH_UNITS distance (np.ndarray or None):list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype float, indicating the distance of the sound event. Values must be positive or None. distance_unit (str): distance unit, one of DISTANCE_UNITS cartesian_coord (np.ndarray or None): cartesian_coord_unit (str): cartesian_coord unit, one of DISTANCE_UNITS """ def __init__( self, intervals, intervals_unit, labels, labels_unit, confidence=None, azimuth=None, azimuth_unit=None, elevation=None, elevation_unit=None, distance=None, distance_unit=None, cartesian_coord=None, cartesian_coord_unit=None, ) -> None: validate_array_like(intervals, np.ndarray, float) validate_array_like(labels, list, str) validate_array_like(confidence, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_lengths_equal([intervals, labels, confidence]) validate_intervals(intervals) validate_confidence(confidence) validate_unit(labels_unit, LABEL_UNITS) validate_unit(intervals_unit, TIME_UNITS) validate_array_like(azimuth, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(elevation, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(distance, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(cartesian_coord, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) validate_lengths_equal( [intervals, azimuth, elevation, distance, cartesian_coord] ) validate_azimuth(azimuth, azimuth_unit, allow_none=True) validate_distance(distance, allow_none=True) validate_elevation(elevation, elevation_unit, allow_none=True) validate_cartesian_coord(cartesian_coord, allow_none=True) validate_unit(azimuth_unit, AZIMUTH_UNITS, allow_none=True) validate_unit(distance_unit, DISTANCE_UNITS, allow_none=True) validate_unit(elevation_unit, AZIMUTH_UNITS, allow_none=True) validate_unit(cartesian_coord_unit, DISTANCE_UNITS, allow_none=True) self.intervals = intervals self.intervals_unit = intervals_unit self.labels = labels self.labels_unit = labels_unit self.confidence = confidence self.azimuth = azimuth self.azimuth_unit = azimuth_unit self.elevation = elevation self.elevation_unit = elevation_unit self.distance = distance self.distance_unit = distance_unit self.cartesian_coord = cartesian_coord self.cartesian_coord_unit = cartesian_coord_unit
#: position units ELEVATIONS_UNITS = { "degrees": "degrees", } AZIMUTHS_UNITS = { "degrees": "degrees", } DISTANCES_UNITS = { "meters": "meters", } #: Time units TIME_UNITS = { "seconds": "seconds", "milliseconds": "milliseconds", } #: Label units LABEL_UNITS = {"open": "no strict schema or units"}
[docs]class SpatialEvents: """SpatialEvents class Attributes: intervals (list): list of size n np.ndarrays of shape (m, 2), with intervals (as floats) in TIME_UNITS in the form [start_time, end_time] with positive time stamps and end_time >= start_time. n is the number of sound events. m is the number of sounding instances for each sound event. intervals_unit (str): intervals unit, one of TIME_UNITS time_step (int, float, or None): the time-step between events over time in intervals_unit elevations (list): list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype int, indicating the elevation of the sound event per time_step if moving or a single value if static. Values between -90 and 90 elevations_unit (str): elevations unit, one of ELEVATIONS_UNITS azimuths (list): list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype int, indicating the azimuth of the sound event per time_step if moving or a single value if static. Values between -180 and 180 azimuths_unit (str): azimuths unit, one of AZIMUTHS_UNITS distances (list): list of size n with np.ndarrays with dtype int, indicating the distance of the sound event per time_step if moving or a single value if static. Values must be positive or None distances_unit (str): distances unit, one of DISTANCES_UNITS labels (list): list of event labels (as strings) labels_unit (str): labels unit, one of LABELS_UNITS clip_number_indices (list): list of clip number indices (as strings) confidence (np.ndarray or None): array of confidence values, float in [0, 1] """ def __init__( self, intervals, intervals_unit, elevations, elevations_unit, azimuths, azimuths_unit, distances, distances_unit, labels, labels_unit, clip_number_index=None, time_step=None, confidence=None, ): validate_array_like(intervals, list, list, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(labels, list, str, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(confidence, np.ndarray, float, none_allowed=True) if intervals is not None: [ [ validate_intervals(intervals[np.newaxis, :]) for intervals in event_intervals ] for event_intervals in intervals ] validate_confidence(confidence) validate_unit(labels_unit, LABEL_UNITS) validate_unit(intervals_unit, TIME_UNITS) self.intervals = intervals self.intervals_unit = intervals_unit self.labels = labels self.labels_unit = labels_unit self.confidence = confidence validate_array_like(clip_number_index, list, str, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(elevations, list, list, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(azimuths, list, list, none_allowed=True) validate_array_like(distances, list, list, none_allowed=True) validate_lengths_equal( [ intervals, elevations, azimuths, distances, labels, clip_number_index, confidence, ] ) # validate location information for each event are numpy arrays if elevations is not None: [ [ validate_array_like(subitem, np.ndarray, int, none_allowed=True) for subitem in sitem ] for sitem in elevations ] if azimuths is not None: [ [ validate_array_like(subitem, np.ndarray, int, none_allowed=True) for subitem in sitem ] for sitem in azimuths ] if distances is not None: [ [ validate_array_like( subitem, np.ndarray, np.array([None]).dtype, none_allowed=True ) for subitem in item ] for item in distances ] # validate length of location information is consistent # for each event if elevations is not None and azimuths is not None and distances is not None: [ [validate_lengths_equal([e, a, d]) for e, a, d in zip(els, azs, dis)] for els, azs, dis in zip(elevations, azimuths, distances) ] if elevations is not None and azimuths is not None and distances is not None: [ [ validate_locations( np.concatenate( [e[:, np.newaxis], a[:, np.newaxis], d[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1, ) ) for e, a, d in zip(els, azs, dis) ] for els, azs, dis in zip(elevations, azimuths, distances) ] if ( elevations is not None and azimuths is not None and distances is not None and intervals is not None ): [ [ validate_time_steps( time_step, np.concatenate( [e[:, np.newaxis], a[:, np.newaxis], d[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1, ), i, ) for e, a, d, i in zip(els, azs, dis, ivl) ] for els, azs, dis, ivl in zip( elevations, azimuths, distances, intervals ) ] validate_unit(elevations_unit, ELEVATIONS_UNITS) validate_unit(azimuths_unit, AZIMUTHS_UNITS) validate_unit(distances_unit, DISTANCES_UNITS) self.time_step = time_step self.elevations = elevations self.azimuths = azimuths self.distances = distances self.clip_number_index = clip_number_index self.elevations_unit = elevations_unit self.azimuths_unit = azimuths_unit self.distances_unit = distances_unit
[docs]def validate_time_steps(time_step, locations, interval): """Validate if timesteps are well-formed. If locations is None, validation passes automatically Args: time_step (float): spacing between location steps locations (np.ndarray): (n x 3) array interval (np.ndarray): (n x 2) expected start and end time for the locations Raises: ValueError: if the number of locations does not match the number of time_steps that fit in the interval """ if interval[0] > interval[1]: raise ValueError("The interval has a start_time greater than the end_time") elif len(locations) == 1 and interval[1] - interval[0] > 0: pass # the event is static # if the object is static, validation passes elif not np.isclose(len(locations) - 1, (interval[1] - interval[0]) / time_step): raise ValueError( "The number of locations does not fit in the interval, given the time_step" )
[docs]def validate_locations(locations): """Validate if locations are well-formed. If locations is None, validation passes automatically Args: locations (np.ndarray): (n x 3) array Raises: ValueError: if locations have an invalid shape or have cartesian coordinate values outside the expected ranges. """ # validate that locations have the correct shape locations_shape = np.shape(locations) if len(locations_shape) != 2 or locations_shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError( f"Locations should be arrays with three columns, but array has shape {locations_shape}" ) # validate that values are within expected ranges if (np.abs(locations[:, 0]) > 90).any(): raise ValueError(f"Elevation values should have magnitude less than 90") if (np.abs(locations[:, 1]) > 180).any(): raise ValueError(f"Azimuth values should have magnitude less than 180") elif (locations[:, 2] != None).any(): raise ValueError(f"Distance values should be nonnegative numbers")
[docs]class MultiAnnotator(Annotation): """Multiple annotator class. This class should be used for datasets with multiple annotators (e.g. multiple annotators per clip). Attributes: annotators (list): list with annotator ids annotations (list): list of annotations (e.g. [annotations.Tags, annotations.Tags] """ def __init__(self, annotators, annotations) -> None: validate_array_like(annotators, list, str) validate_array_like(annotations, list, Annotation, check_child=True) validate_lengths_equal([annotators, annotations]) self.annotators = annotators self.annotations = annotations
[docs]def validate_array_like( array_like, expected_type, expected_dtype, check_child=False, none_allowed=False ): """Validate that array-like object is well formed If array_like is None, validation passes automatically. Args: array_like (array-like): object to validate expected_type (type): expected type, either list or np.ndarray expected_dtype (type): expected dtype check_child (bool): if True, checks if all elements of array are children of expected_dtype none_allowed (bool): if True, allows array to be None Raises: TypeError: if type/dtype does not match expected_type/expected_dtype ValueError: if array """ if array_like is None: if none_allowed: return else: raise ValueError("array_like cannot be None") assert expected_type in [ list, np.ndarray, ], "expected type must be a list or np.ndarray" if not isinstance(array_like, expected_type): raise TypeError( f"Object should be a {expected_type}, but is a {type(array_like)}" ) if expected_type == list and not all( isinstance(n, expected_dtype) for n in array_like ): if check_child: if not all(issubclass(type(n), expected_dtype) for n in array_like): raise TypeError( f"List elements should all be instances of {expected_dtype} class" ) raise TypeError(f"List elements should all have type {expected_dtype}") if expected_type == np.ndarray and array_like.dtype != expected_dtype: raise TypeError( f"Array should have dtype {expected_dtype} but has {array_like.dtype}" ) if np.asarray(array_like, dtype=object).size == 0: raise ValueError("Object should not be empty, use None instead")
[docs]def validate_lengths_equal(array_list): """Validate that arrays in list are equal in length Some arrays may be None, and the validation for these are skipped. Args: array_list (list): list of array-like objects Raises: ValueError: if arrays are not equal in length """ if len(array_list) == 1: return else: for att1, att2 in zip(array_list[:1], array_list[1:]): if att1 is None or att2 is None: continue if not len(att1) == len(att2): raise ValueError("Arrays have unequal length") # recurse validate_lengths_equal(array_list[1:])
[docs]def validate_confidence(confidence): """Validate if confidence is well-formed. If confidence is None, validation passes automatically Args: confidence (np.ndarray): an array of confidence values Raises: ValueError: if confidence are not between 0 and 1 """ if confidence is None: return confidence_shape = np.shape(confidence) if len(confidence_shape) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Confidence should be 1d, but array has shape {confidence_shape}" ) if np.any(np.isnan(confidence)): raise ValueError("confidence values cannot be nan") if any([c < 0 for c in confidence]) or any([c > 1 for c in confidence]): raise ValueError( "confidence with unit 'likelihood' should be between 0 and 1. " + "Found values outside [0, 1]." )
[docs]def validate_times(times): """Validate if times are well-formed. If times is None, validation passes automatically Args: times (np.ndarray): an array of time stamps Raises: ValueError: if times have negative values or are non-increasing """ if times is None: return time_shape = np.shape(times) if len(time_shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Times should be 1d, but array has shape {time_shape}") if (times < 0).any(): raise ValueError("times should be positive numbers") if (times[1:] - times[:-1] <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("times should be strictly increasing")
[docs]def validate_intervals(intervals): """Validate if intervals are well-formed. If intervals is None, validation passes automatically Args: intervals (np.ndarray): (n x 2) array Raises: ValueError: if intervals have an invalid shape, have negative values or if end times are smaller than start times. """ if intervals is None: return # validate that intervals have the correct shape interval_shape = np.shape(intervals) if len(interval_shape) != 2 or interval_shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"Intervals should be arrays with two columns, but array has {interval_shape}" ) # validate that time stamps are all positive numbers if (intervals < 0).any(): raise ValueError(f"Interval values should be nonnegative numbers") # validate that end times are bigger than start times elif (intervals[:, 1] - intervals[:, 0] < 0).any(): raise ValueError(f"Interval start times must be smaller than end times")
[docs]def validate_unit(unit, unit_values, allow_none=False): """Validate that the given unit is one of the allowed unit values. Args: unit (str): the unit name unit_values (dict): dictionary of possible unit values allow_none (bool): if true, allows unit=None to pass validation Raises: ValueError: If the given unit is not one of the allowed unit values """ if allow_none and not unit: return if unit not in unit_values: raise ValueError("unit={} is not one of {}".format(unit, unit_values))
def validate_azimuth(azimuth, azimuth_unit=None, allow_none=False): if allow_none and not azimuth_unit: return if azimuth_unit == "radians": if any([a < -2 * np.pi for a in azimuth]) or any( [a > 2 * np.pi for a in azimuth] ): raise ValueError( "azimuth with unit 'radians' should be between -2*np.pi and 2*np.pi. " + "Found values outside that interval." ) if azimuth_unit == "degrees": if any([a < -360 for a in azimuth]) or any([a > 360 for a in azimuth]): raise ValueError( "azimuth with unit 'degrees' should be between -360 and 360. " + "Found values outside that interval." ) def validate_elevation(elevation, elevation_unit=None, allow_none=False): if allow_none and not elevation_unit: return if elevation_unit == "radians": if any([a < -np.pi / 2 for a in elevation]) or any( [a > np.pi / 2 for a in elevation] ): raise ValueError( "elevation with unit 'radians' should be between -np.pi / 2 and np.pi / 2." + "Found values outside that interval." ) if elevation_unit == "degrees": if any([a < -90 for a in elevation]) or any([a > 90 for a in elevation]): raise ValueError( "elevation with unit 'degrees' should be between -90 and 90." + "Found values outside that interval." ) def validate_distance(distance, allow_none=False): if allow_none and distance is None: return if np.any([d < 0 for d in distance]): raise ValueError( "distance should be bigger or equal than zero. " + "Found negative values." ) def validate_cartesian_coord(cartesian_coord, allow_none=False): # print(np.shape(cartesian_coord)) if allow_none and cartesian_coord is None: return if not np.shape(cartesian_coord)[1] == 3: raise ValueError( f"cartesian coordinates should have three columns corresponding to x, y and z coordinates. " f"Found {len(cartesian_coord)} columns instead." )